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Basic Facts

High School:

Tennoji High School -
Osaka Kyoiku University


Medical School:

School of Medicine -

Kobe University



Osaka National Hospital

Throughout his pre-university education, Dr. Yamanaka received a notable and unique education at the Tennouji Junior High School and later Tennouji High School affiliated with Osaka Kyoiku University. As can be expected of someone who later went on to be a renowned researcher, he excelled academically in mathematics and physics throughout his school years. Aside from his schooling, he also became very involved with the judo team at the urging of his father - in fact, he seriously pursued the sport for several years until an injury forced him to retire during college. In order to broaden his horizons, he also formed a folk band with fellow classmates and joined student government as Vice President.

After high school, Dr. Yamanaka was inspired to become a physician from his father as well as from a notable author and physician - Torao Tokuda. Thus, he applied and was accepted into the School of Medicine at Kobe University. Given his history with sports and the subsequent injuries, he decided to explore a career and path in orthopedic medicine.


Once graduated and at his residency in Osaka National Hospital, Dr. Yamanaka experienced several major life changes including his marriage to a childhood classmate (Chika) and the death of his father.

At this same time, he underwent a change in career direction from his residency. Despite his initial passion for the field, Dr. Yamanaka encountered numerous difficulties ranging from lack of surgical talent to high pressure from supervisors. Combined with interacting directly with numerous suffering patients, he realized that becoming a surgeon was not the profession he felt most comfortable pursuing.

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   2017 by Group 3 Stem Cell Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

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