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Stem Cell Definitions

Definitions + Terms:

Here is some basic terminology to know regarding stem cells!

Terms are divided up by the section they appear in first.

Cellular Reprogramming

A spherical shell of cells formed in the early stages of mammalian development. Within the shell exists a small solid collection of cells known as the inner cell mass - these are the cells harvested to create embryonic stem cells.

The process of a specialized body cell becoming a stem cell – opposite to differentiation and specialization.

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 Properties + Potency 

 Stem Cell Types 


Stem Cells

Cells capable of turning into different types of cells in the body.


A class of undifferentiated cells that can specialize into other cell types.

The process of a stem cell turning into different (more specific or specialized) cell types.

Differentiation + Specialization

The ability of a cell to turn into different cell types.


A process that stem cells undergo to create more or maintain the same number of stem cells.


The scope or relative amount of cell types that a stem cell is able to differentiate into.

Multipotent - Differentiates into many cell types

Pluripotent - Differentiates into most/almost all cell types

Totipotent - Differentiates into all cell types

   2017 by Group 3 Stem Cell Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University

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